Tyre Repairs

Tyre Repairs

Jons Tyres Chesterfield are Chesterfield’s leading tyre puncture repair specialist. Some tyre punctures can be repaired without having to buy a replacement tyre. All of our tyre repairs ensure safe repair in line with the relevant British Safety Standards.

Unfortunately, not all tyres are suitable for repair and these include tyres which have the following types of damage:

Visible or deformed bead wire

Rubber or tread separations

Deterioration of the tyre caused by grease or corrosive fluid

Marking of the interior rubber caused by overheating due to under inflation

Damage larger than regulations will allow

We’ll thoroughly inspect tyres before carrying out a tyre puncture repair to ensure that it can be safely repaired in line with the relevant Bristish Safety Standards.


Did you know…..? We also do specialist minor & major tyre repairs, get in touch for more information!

If you would like to know if your tyre can be repaired give us a call on Chesterfield 01246 279230, email: info@jonstyres.co.uk or call in and see us.

198 Derby Road
S40 2EP

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